Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reunited and it feels so good!

Aww diet, it's so good to see you again.  We have been at odds with one another for the last two weeks and I almost got the best of you, but now all is well again!  This weekend was completely therapeutic and much needed!  I spent the entire day Saturday in my pj's watching TV, playing on the computer, taking naps, and basically being a HUGE couch potato.  I did pretty good on my diet that day despite my lack of movement and stayed under 1800 calories.  Amazingly I was still tired enough to sleep Saturday night and awoke Sunday morning ready for life!  We had a great service at church and even treated ourselves to all you can eat spaghetti for lunch.  I behaved myself and had a cup of soup, 1 1/2 pieces of garlic bread and about 1/4 of my small plate of spaghetti. In true Sunday fashion, we went home and took a little nap!  I've slept more this weekend than the past week put together!  After my lazy day yesterday I felt the need to be a bit more productive so I did several loads of laundry, rearranged my closet and moved my winter clothes out and my spring/summer clothes back in.  We attended evening church again and when we got home I whipped up some braised artichokes and baked asparagus with a little hollandaise sauce.  Then for a treat for the hubby I made a blackberry pie with some fresh blackberries that were on sale at the store this week.  All in all, it was a splendid weekend and I cheated a bit and let myself eat a bit more fat than usual, but kept my calories around 1800 a day. 

All in all, I only gained back 3 pounds from my little binge the last couple of weeks although if I was guessing I'd say I lost a pound of muscle because I haven't worked out either.  Tomorrow is a new week, a new day, and little less than 7 weeks until the cruise!!  My goal is to try and lose at least 10 pounds before the cruise and fit back into a little black dress I bought back in high school and wore once or twice.  I tried it on today and was able to zip it, but it was less than flattering.  It's going to take at least 10 pounds and a new pair of spanx to get that baby looking great and I'm up for it!!  Now all I need is prayers for tomorrow as I hit my first boot camp workout in a little over 2 weeks.  I'm going to be sooooo sore!!

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